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The real essence of St George’s lies in the contribution the School has made and continues to make, to the education sector in our beautiful country. We realised in 2019 that there is a need for growth at the Prep School due to the considerable application numbers for Grade 1 each year.  The continuous popularity of our Prep School has compelled us to increase the number of classes per grade, starting in 2020 with three Grade 1 classes. In an endeavour to embrace this change and to remain compliant with the Cambridge Pathway, we will introduce our Middle School (Grade 6-8) in 2024.


We are expanding to three Grade 6 and 7 classes in our newly established Middle School. Secure your place for Grade 8 by applying now for Grade 6 or 7.
Click here to apply for Grades 6-8 in 2024.


The Cambridge Pathway starts with the Primary phase from Grade 0 to 5. This is followed by Cambridge Lower Secondary, which is the middle school (Grade 6 – 8). Then comes Cambridge Upper Secondary and Advance, the IGCSE, AS, and A Level curriculum (Grade 9 - 13).


Earthworks for the new Middle School will commence during 2021. We plan, all things being equal, for Grade 6, 7 and 8 students to move into the new facilities before the end of next year.


We’ve developed a Master Plan catering for a sports field, 12 classrooms, a Science Block, Multipurpose Hall, and a Student Hub. These will be completed in phases.


What is the Buy a Brick Project?


The Aloe Trail is the golden thread that connects the different sections of our School together. With part of the Aloe Trail being formalised between the Student Hub and the Middle School’s classroom buildings, we want to create a walkway bordered by granite bricks. These bricks will be up for sale as a fundraising project for the Middle School.


  • For individuals, a brick will cost N$2 500. The student/alumnus/staff members name and year will be engraved on the brick.

  • For a family, a brick will cost N$4 000. The family’s surname will be engraved on the brick, e.g.: Smith Family.

  • Once you have decided on an individual or family brick you can complete the form attached to this pamphlet and email it to


Where does the money go?


  • The money will be kept in the School’s Capital Development Fund (St George’s Call Account) and be used to fund items on our needs list at the back of this flyer.


How else can I get involved?


  • If you would like to become a corporate partner/sponsor for this project, please contact our Marketing Manager, Lezél Amoraal-Füscher at

How does it work? -BUY A BRICK
Buy a Brick Form
Method of Payment

EFT payments can be made to the following account:

St George's Call Account
FNB Namibia; Branch Code: 281872 Account number: 6205 5369 732.
Reference: BUYaBrick[yourname+treenumber}

Thank you for submitting!

Buy a Brick Form

St George's Diocesan School is a registered school of Cambridge Assessment International Education 


17-21 Sinclair Road

Windhoek, NAMIBIA

Telephone: +264 83 370 1000

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